Friday, December 27, 2013

The Orange Rhino Challenge - "Yelling Less and Loving More"

Yelling, screaming, hollering, venting, all results in a loss of my voice and a feeling of regret yet somehow I manage to keep doing it. It is almost as if I believe that the louder I get the more my children will listen and then obey. Has anyone actually had that result, where you have screamed at your children and they then complied very quickly with understanding and without fear?
I didn't think so, but yet as mother's we continue to use that tool as a tactic for getting our children to obey.I have cried myself to sleep, dropped to my knee's and prayed to God for forgiveness, went into their bedrooms after they were asleep and apologized profusely, as if that all made it better. Let me tell you it only took the guilt away momentarily and just as soon as the sun came up I was back at it again and feeling like the worst mother ever.
With all that said I did a little research, after having seen a post on the loving Facebook we all adore (are addicted to) and this is what I found. The Orange Rhino Challenge is a challenge for "Yelling Less and Loving More", and this is exactly what I am setting out to do. The Orange Rhino gives me guidelines to set up my goal for not yelling, but to be honest I like the challenge of 365 days of no yelling. Along with the posts I put on here I am going to try and find a counter to post on the blog and if I yell it will revert back, and I will then have to keep myself accountable on here by letting you all know what happened, sort of a second punishment.
There are also challenge details that go into the voice levels and where a yell is acceptable, such as yelling to a child for not running in a parking lot, street, or touching a hot object. She has given a join the challenge section, directing us to a community that joins us together to help and support one another on Facebook. She gives alternatives to yelling, suggestions for tracking triggers and many other resources. Now I have read the site over and probably will do that again. You will find here on the right a link to the The Orange Rhino Challenge blog and a tracker on the left for my days of success. If you notice it has gone back to (0) zero look for a post because I will have some explaining to do.
Thanks for joining me and if you want to join just jump right in!
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