What can I say about me that you need to know....?
Well, I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter and friend. I love my God, read His word, love my church and believe that faith is not something you see, but something you do blindly. I enjoy watching Netflix with my children and going to the park. My husband and I enjoy spending time outdoors together and planning what our future might hold. I am very indecisive and always changing my mind, I love coffee with a deep addiction, I enjoy reading books whenever I get a chance, I work part-time and enjoy contributing to the finances of our family. I write because I enjoy putting words down, even if they don't always make sense to someone else or even have a rhyme or reason.
I truly think that God has a great plan for me Jeremiah 29:11 tells me so ( look it up if you don't know it). I am never satisfied with the pieces I read in the bible, which tells me I will completely read it cover to cover before I perish. My one belief in this world is that we were ALL put here to love God and I will never judge you for your difference. Whether those differences make you homosexual, an atheist, a Jew, pagan or any number of other realities that make up human existence on this earth. I won't judge because even though you see differently than me I believe you are loved by God just the same and because He lives in me I have been commanded to love you the same in return. Sometimes I fail at that, but when I realize it I will quickly try to rectify it. Why? Because I want you to know the joy I hold in my heart ALL because He loved me enough to send His only son to earth to die for my sins, that I might not die and spend eternity away from him John 3:16 (that is my paraphrased version, but if you have never read it, look it up).
If there is anything else you want to know about me please use the Contact Form and ask away. I will do my best to answer honestly.